Emily Hall
About Emily Hall
I don’t have many memories of my childhood, but much of what I do remember took place in the art room at Arrowhead. I remember the joy I felt when cleaning the paint off my brush and watching the colors mix, or just watching colors mix in general. In fourth grade, I would often spend recess in the art room; I enjoyed the tranquility and solidarity of being one of the few people there.
While I’ve always had an interest in art, it wasn’t at the forefront of my mind until highschool. I was unable to fit Art I into my schedule freshman year. I thought I wouldn’t be able to take AP Art, but a friend told me that I could present a portfolio in order to skip Art I. I did exactly that and was able to start Art II my sophomore year. In Art II and III, I explored what media I liked working with and my style. My preferred medium is charcoal, and I enjoy using acrylic paint due to being able to see the individual brush strokes. Recently, I have begun using pen because it is the medium most similar to tattooing which is what I want to do with my future.
In college, I want to major in fine art while minoring in business to help with owning my own shop one day. Towards the end of college, I plan to get an apprenticeship so that I will already have the necessary skills upon graduating. I hope to be a skilled tattoo artist while being able to create and sell traditional art on the side.